Tuesday, 10 April 2012

tell me god..what is my cure?

in a world stained with imperfection i seek something pure
tell me god..what is my cure?
people claim what is rightfully not their own
raiders reap happily what some have so carefully sown
there are ample treasures at every turn to satiate every soul
sadly no one believes in the pot of gold at the end of a faded rainbow
cloudy desires have lured an innocent moon...have stolen its right to shed light
now the tired travelers are only left with a ghastly endless night
even the black and white have lost their battle against a stealthy grey
it is not sins anymore for which one must pay
stone cold reality bites for every dip in the shadowy pool of life
every time the heart dares to emote..gets stabbed brutally with a silvery knife
waking up from rosy dreams seemed to be an easy fare
but what about nightmares in the guise of dreams that are too painful to bear?
a murkiness has tainted the fabric of hope..that once used to allure
tell me god what do i seek now? what is my cure?