My mouth feels lonely
I fill the emptiness with a cigarette
The thin tendrils of intoxicating smoke slowly help me forget..
Every breath taken numbs my mind a bit more
Worries dissolve away momentarily like footprints on a shore
The glowing tobacco pleads for my patience knowing it's about to die soon
I callously suck the life out of it while humming a carelessly thought tune
My lips are content for a short while, curving lazily around a smoke feast
In offering myself upto smouldering ashes lies a strange sense of peace
My world begins to spin and I happen to like the joy ride
I become the proverbial moth, reigned by the urge to go up in flames, with no one to confide
I can now relate to how a desolate life gets caught in a spider's web
Maybe it wants to be ensnared, in the hopes of getting saved
From the onus of a solitary reality
From the overwhelming recurrence of agonizing self pity
Some may call it self destruction, some unsightly cowardice
I call it setting yourself free from all that is amiss..