Saturday, 24 February 2018

Hope Fly Again

I want to lose the bitterness, my youth gifted me years ago
Back then I had let it seep into my bones
Oblivious, that I had turned somehow into my own foe
I had shut away all that I could feel in a safe deep within
Guess I didn't want to be hurt anymore...or my tortured self to be seen
Years have passed and the trammels had gained ample strength
When a familiar wind, somewhat nomadic compelled me to look at it in askance

And so I gazed upon Pandora's box willing to set free hope
I realized it's time to break away from this intangible cage and learn anew to cope
Letting go of my inhibitions, second chances are what I seek
Haven't I conversed enough with autumn? Spring should also get its turn to speak
Imprisoned in an iron clad chamber the heart had forgotten how to dream
It cowered in fear afraid to step out, for all was not how it seemed
The courage to embrace something new was just not there
My weary self had had enough, and to myself alone I tried to stay fair
But maybe it's time to be rid of this disquiet that I have lived with, for far too long
Seasons change and so should I.....all the while aspiring to be strong
Who knows what I might reap or what I might have sown
I want to let hope fly again...for it must not die in vain alone